Learning and development lie at the core of The Forum’s efforts to cultivate educators that champion high-quality education abroad experiences that ignite curiosity, impact lives, and contribute to a better world.   

By educators, we mean people that facilitate, sponsor, and/or research global learning experiences and education abroad. We understand the term educator to include members of educational institutions, organizations, and those such as host families and community members. 

Forum staff and collaborators advance this mission by: 

  • engaging globally minded educators as lifelong learners and thoughtful practitioners,  
  • facilitating integrative learning that improves practice and contributes to capacity building,  
  • convening institutions, organizations, educators, and thought leaders to identify and address critical issues impacting the field, 
  • advocating for continued investment in education abroad, 
  • leveraging our collective expertise to advance full participation in educationally meaningful education abroad.  

The Forum offers a range of one time and recurring learning opportunities, as well as targeted programs, designed to support the professional growth and success of educators, practitioner-scholars and leaders across the higher education and international education landscape.


International Educator Professional Development 


Enhancing Teaching & Learning in Education Abroad